Why does the Caterpillar cross the road?
A photograph by Socalpedalpusher on Flickr |
Yesterday a cold front moved through Southern California at least what goes for a cold front in these parts, with a high of 70F and 21C for you Euro types. When the temperature drops below 70F IMO it's perfect riding weather. I decided to get up a bit earlier (I have a really difficult time getting up early with my current schedule) then usual and make a run up the canyon.
With the Hilsen stripped down and running the Soma Xpress tires* a departure from Homer's camping persona I dropped down Wentworth Street a spirited descent and made a right onto Oro Vista which opens up into the mouth of Big Tujunga Canyon Rd. At this point on Big "T" it's rollers with a steady gentle ascent passing the Little league field, defunct archery course and on my left I could hear the water running in the wash. Another mile or so I passed the familiar sign telling me I've entered the National Forest...more climbing and then I noticed something out of the ordinary on the edges of the roadway?? I peered closer from atop my Hilsen, is that a centipede crawling on the edge of the road? I looked to the left and back to the right and dispersed at intervals there were others travelling in both directions crossing the road! I decided to pull over and have a closer inspection. They were in fact caterpillars not centipedes and upon further inspection they'd had mixed results.Strewn across the asphalt roadway lay a great many squished abruptly in their attempt to make it to the other side, or in another way of thinking they did make it to the other side. But on this physical journey they were stopped short by tons of rolling steel and rubber, no pictures taken in respect of the recently departed or the faint of heart.
A photograph by Socalpedalpusher on Flickr |
So back to the question...why are they crossing the road? Is it a mating thing ? Are they running away from a spouse which makes the other side more attractive and the risk worth it? Is Mother Nature sending a message? The old adage "the grass always seems greener on the other side" and here is the cautionary tale silly human. What ever the reason I'd have missed the phenomenon had I not been on a bicycle.
I continued up to my turn around point found a suitable camp spot for a future close to home bike over night and rode home buffeted by the before tail wind now substantial head wind. All in all a good way to start a work day.
A photograph by Socalpedalpusher on Flickr |
* Forth coming post on these tires.
As always thanks for reading and keep the rubber side down.